chocolate mousse w/ salted caramel crunch

ever thought of making a chocolate mousse with chickpeas? nah me neither. but vegans have seen it, it’s been done before, move on right? WRONG. what about using the WHOLE TIN, including the chickpeas in the dessert so you don’t WASTE anything.

if you’re making anything this easter, make it vegan, and make it be THIS.🍫🍫🍫



10 min prep + 40 min cooking = 50 minutes


  • One tin of chickpeas

  • 180g dark chocolate (70% or above please)

  • 3 tbsp light brown sugar (for the mousse)

  • 2 tbsp cacao powder

  • 5 tbsp of light brown sugar (for the caramel)

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • Half a tsp nutmeg

  • Flaky salt

  • some drizzly almond butter (to drizzle maybe, if you’d like)


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Drain the chickpeas with a sieve into a large jug. Then pop the chickpeas in a lined baking tray and mix the chickpeas with cinnamon and nutmeg and salt (with your hands). Roast them for 35-40 minutes but keep an eye on them in case they burn. You want them super super crispy.

  2. Then chuck that liquid in the jug (this is called aquafaba) into a food processor and blitz until it’s white and firm, kind of like a meringue. Melt the dark chocolate in the microwave, then add that and the 3 tbsp sugar and cacao powder to the aquafaba. Blitz again until it looks like a chocolate river in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory.

  3. Pop that chocolate mix into small 200ml jars and leave them in the fridge for 30 minutes minimum.

  4. Now those chickpeas should be done. When they are, remove them from the oven. Now the dangerous (not really, just be careful in this) bit. Caramel. Add the rest of the sugar to a small saucepan and stick it on a medium heat. Stir continuously with a silicone spatula until it melts into caramel. Be gentle with it, if you stir too violently, the sugar can spew out the pan and burn you, and that’s not very nice.

  5. Once the caramel looks like caramel, turn it off the heat, add in the roasted chickpeas (or you could have 120g hazelnuts instead). Then a pinch of salt. Add that to the same lined baking tray (to save waste) and let it cool.

  6. Bash the caramel crunchy chickpeas up and break into little brittle bits. Then top your mousses with them, along with a little bit of almond butter and salt from Essex. Boom you’re done.


creamy cajun pasta


turkish-style chickpea yogurty dip