chickpea satay pittas

these chickpea satay pittas will be on your list to have for lunch all the time. I guarantee it.

high in protein, 15 mins to make, fresh, light and just a vibe of a pitta x



5 min prep + 10 min cooking = 15 minutes


  • 1 tin chickpeas

  • 2 limes

  • salt & pepper

  • baking paper + tray

  • 1/4 head red cabbage

  • 1/2 cucumber

  • 1 carrot

  • 50ml rice wine vinegar

  • 1 tbsp mirin (or agave)

  • 2 tbsp sesame oil

  • 4 tbsp plant-based plain yogurt

  • 4 tbsp smooth peanut butter

  • 2 tbsp light soy sauce

  • wholemeal pitta pockets

  • chilli oil (optional flourish babes)


  1. Get an oven (or an air fryer if you must) and pop it at 200°C. Drain the chickpeas and pop them on a lined baking tray (aka one with baking paper on it). Add the juice of 1 lime, a good pinch of salt and pepper and a drizzle of oil. Roast for 10 mins.

  2. Whilst that’s cooking, slice your cabbage, carrot and cucumber thinly with either a knife, a mandoline, a mandalorian, or whatever it’s called, just be careful it’s sharp. Add those to a large bowl with the rice wine vinegar, mirin (or agave), sesame oil, a good pinch of salt and half the juice of a lime. Set aside.

  3. Let’s make that satay-ish sauce. To a large jug, add the yogurt, peanut butter, soy sauce, the other half of lime’s juice, and mix until you get a smooth sauce that’ll resemble a satay sauce. If it’s too runny, add a tablespoon more peanut butter.

  4. Chuck those chickpeas into the satay sauce, and mix them properly in. Stuff your pitta pockets with the satay chickpeas and salad. Top with some chilli oil if you fancy it and you’re good to go babes.

  5. You have enough here to make two, so double up for four days of sandwiches, or don’t. Up to you.


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